• In partnership with AIGA Chapters

      An interactive workshop helping creative leaders design a strategy for their next phase of growth

      Scroll below for more information and local dates

    A better understanding of power 
    ​will make you a better leader!

    Most people who find themselves in a new phase of growth as a leader feel a little under equipped. New roles require us to stretch and grow into new versions of ourselves. It can often feel like you are missing the playbook on the politics and interpersonal power dynamics needed to excel. With many clients, employers, employees, and the world at large dictated by cancel culture of a 24/7 social stream impatient with and intolerant of mistakes and missteps, it certainly couldn't hurt to take a beat to build a strategy.  

    The world is changing rapidly around us and that means the rules of the game are also in a bit of constant flux. Some of the particulars of 2024 make this a great time to study and reevaluate what you believe and understand (or don't understand) about power and how that translates into how effectively you lead at work, home, or in your community. Here are a few: 

      • There are over 40 critical elections internationally, including our US presidential election.
      • There are two wars waging at a great loss of life and posing major threats to world peace and stability.  
      • With the Lunar New Year on February 10th, we entered The Year of the Dragon, the most powerful symbol in Chinese Astrology. There are also transits and planetary positions in other astrological traditions that support similar beliefs about the energy of the year, including that it is an 8 year in Numerology. which represents justice, leadership, prosperity, balance and even Karma. It is considered a year for reaping what you sow...in abundance.

    On the heels of the 2023 as The Year of the Woman that celebrated the successes of Barbie, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and others, Baby Boomer wealth transfer and more new business ownership is shifting to women and other represented populations. With many of these new wealth holders choosing to live free of traditional dependency relationship models, this changing dynamic is predicted to redefine what we know about power, wealth and even altruism. [See Forbes article.] 

    This makes it an especially good year to examine yourself as a leader and accelerate your growth, as well as the growth of your business or the team you lead in someone else's business...especially if you typically experience yourself on the less culturally reinforced end of power dynamics. If this resonates, come spend a half-day building a plan for how to most efficiently and effectively become the leader required by everything you envision coming next. 

    How we'll do that:

    • A pre-workshop Shapes Leadership Assessment - Upon registration each participant will receive a code to take the PsychoGeometrics™ Shapes Assessment®.  This online test assesses your natural leadership style and simplifies it into the familiar creative concepts of shapes. Each persona has a unique combination of shape attributes so it can be helpful to learn yours and how to identify them in others. ($35 value)
    • Pre-workshop Worksheets and Activity Prompts - Once registered, you will receive an email welcome and tools based on whether you are a solopreneur, a business owner, or a team lead within someone else's business. The goal is to help you reflect on your current state and anchor your future goals in a framework that will help you get the most out of your time in the workshop. Completion of these documents is not required. Even a quick review before the workshop will suffice. But the more you prepare, there you can target your questions and accelerate your efforts. ($97 value)
    • Workshop Activities - The workshop has been designed to help you frame your goals around the intersection of your natural leadership and communication style as well as the personalities and strengths of your actual or ideal team of employees, contractors, or collaborators. In the first half of the workshop, we will focus on building out the foundation for a clear vision and plan of your leadership goals over the next 3-12 months. In doing so, we will factor in how to best leverage your natural abilities and style in all aspects of your role as a confident, collaborative and consultative leader. ($1997 value)
      • Includes Workshop Individual Laser Coaching - Depending on the size of the group, some or all participants will have the opportunity to volunteer for Laser Coaching designed to help identify and solve one key challenge with the added benefit of learning collectively as others to the same. 
    • Post-workshop Personalized Coaching - Each workshop participant gets one Shapes Assessment and Workshop Plan review plus one private coaching session (typically 45 min) to discuss the review. This time can be used to discuss more sensitive private matters unique to the participant or to get help clarifying on next steps after the workshop discussions settle. You'll also have the opportunity to explore if there are ways additional coaching might be beneficial for ongoing support. Participants are under no obligation to buy anything or engage further in any offers. ($497 value)

    ($2400+ Value)
    AIGA Chapter Participant Investment

    ​Only $240

    NOTE: All payments are non-refundable*

    *Registrants can send a substitute or use the workbook and private coaching without the workshop experience.