why apply?

    Everyone enters into coaching with different experiences and priorities.. Our goal is to set you up to advance in your growth as quickly as possible. An initial coaching consult is designed to both help you solve an immediate issue and to enter coaching with the correct strategy and coach(es). Please complete the following application and someone will get back to you within 2 coaching days (or sooner) to schedule your initial consult. . 

    The core coaching programs listed on the form are briefly outlined below it to give you idea of typical starting points for our clients. 

    Fundamentals Course & Coaching Cohort Topics

    Fundamentals courses and cohorts provide a 5-module overview of key core topics that allow you to either DIY your implementation of the concepts taught or apply them in an accelerated manner in a future Intensive Cohort. All coursework videos can be completed in approximately 2.5 hours but the time invested in your coursework will depend on your previous experience and starting point. All of the coursework will advance tangible goals as you complete it.

    A Better Next

    Whether  with clients or employers, the highest value engagements  come from knowing what you offer that is uniquely needed by the market and what ROI it provides so that you can reposition correctly before trying to present yourself for sales or job search conversations. 

    Network Building

    A  Fundamentals Course prerequisite for Sales Fundamentals and JobSearch Fundamentals focused on the analysis and enhancement of your known network and your ideal market

    Selling Creatively 

    All Sales Cohorts here are based on the core principles outline in this course and cohort. Develop a prioritized lead list, email and conversation templates, and nurture strategies that best serve the problems your ideal clients need you to solve first as your build trust. 

    Creative Job Search

    Whether looking for a promotion or a better role at a new employer, this course is offered as a private cohort through Loom and discussion thread coaching to provide the instruction needed without risking exposure during confidential searches. 

    Cohort Coaching Intensives

    The goal of intensives is to build upon and accelerate the real-time, supervised practical application of principles learned in Fundamentals Courses. Cohorts get access to additional course modules and meet weekly. Participants get direct email and text access to assigned coaches for the duration of the engagement. Coaches use LOOM videos for private feedback and the FB Group and Cohort Discussion Threads when answers could benefit all current and future participants. Cohort Intensives can be purchased individually or as discounted packages. Some run on a dedicated schedule to address seasonal opportunities while others are evergreen and ongoing. The typical cohort duration is 13 weeks, but some may be offered as short as 6 weeks and others as 6 month or longer engagements. 


    Understanding Power

    An evergreen offer started in 2024, the Understanding Power cohort has been created as a followup program for attendees of The Shape of Power presentation and The Shape of Next workshop offered virtually and to AIGA Chapters. It includes courses, online workshops forum posts and discussions and monthly coaching. 

    The purpose of it is to create a collaborative discussion that builds collective understandings about navigating issues of authority, influence and impact within the design community and the businesses designers serve as leaders and consultants. . 

    Understanding Power content will be referenced often in other programs so all Accelerator and Private clients also have access. 

    Sales Accelerators

    Building upon the 90-day Sales Strategy from your Fundamentals Courses, you rinse+repeat+improve through practice with meeting requests and sales conversations supported by help with call and meeting preparation, offer adjustments and proposal reviews building on your customer discovery and feedback. Sales Accelerators are designed to serve general sales efforts over a typical 90-day sales cycle, the elevation of offers to more complex sales, and responsiveness to specific sales seasons like Budget Planning, New Year Kick-Off or Summer Slow Down.. 

    Career Advancement Accelerators

    Similar to its Sales counterpart, the Advancement Accelerators are designed for  those looking for opportunities to find or create new career opportunities. Some may be preparing internal strategies and others may be in an active external job search. Those involved in confidential searches can participate anonymously and those who are unemployed may opt to also participate in a Sales Accelerator for freelancers and solopreneurs or to add your name to the referral database our business and consultancy owners access for help. 

    Signature Talk & Course Accelerator

    Build and practice a signature talk that can be applied at scale as the foundation for everything from a 1-minute website or networking event introduction to a 1-hour keynote or multi-day event. Mini-course strategies build upon your signature talk topic and can be used for paid or organic social selling and to build rapport and trust with potential customers on your website before you invest in meeting with them. This accelerator will also cover sponsorship and the different tactics associated with paid and unpaid speaking opportunities. 

    Collaborative Accelerators

    Additional Accelerators are in the works for Strategy Facilitation, Delegation and Management, Executive Presence, Social Presence, and others..